Catholics for the Common Good are “Fighting for Marriage”: Angels Do Speak!®

Catholics for the Common Good are fighting for Marriage: Angels Do Speak!®

Catholics for the Common Good are fighting for Marriage: Angels Do Speak!®

“Marriage unites a man and a woman with each other and any children born from their union.” “Recognized in their own ways throughout time by every culture, state, and religion, this is what marriage is. It is not a matter of faith, but a human reality. It is God’s plan for creation, but is independent of belief in God.”

The second point I will make is marriage advocates must break the habit of using the term “same-sex or gay marriage.”  It misrepresents what the issue by implying it is merely about gay participation in marriage, and obscures the consequences of redefining marriage.  The redefinition of marriage does not lead to two different kinds of marriage existing side-by-side in the law, but eliminates the only civil institution that unites kids with their moms and dads.

Bill May
President, Catholics for the Common Good
415 651 4171
415 738 0421 (Fax)

Is The New Repackaged USSR In Violation of “Resposiblity to Protect” (RtoP)?: Angels Do Speak!®

Is The New Repackaged USSR In Violation of "Resposiblity to Protect" (RtoP)?: Angels Do Speak!®

Flag of the New Soviet Union by Redrich 1917

As a result of the past breakup of the USSR, a great question is presented to the “New Repackaged USSR”:

Who is in control of the biological/germ warfare materials and nuclear weapons developed during the old reign?

As a Superpower, this country, under whatever named, prided itself in developing the most dangerous weapons and bio/germ warfare in the world. What happened to them?  Why has the USSR violated Human Rights Laws:

  • It does not appear as though the current USSR is in full control of developed bio/germ warfare agents or Nuclear Arsenals.
  • If the USSR is not in control of  the Bio/Germ Warfare and Nuclear Arsenals developed, this is a violation of Responsibility to Protect (RtoP). The Bio/Germ Warfare and Nuclear Arsenals can be used for:
    • Genocide,
      War Crimes,
      Crimes against Humanity, and
      Ethnic Cleasing.
    • A state (country) has the responsiblity to protect its population, if unable the International community has responsibility to assist the state by building its capacity.
  • Under The General Assembly of the World Medical Association’s “International Medical Ethics”: DUTIES OF PHYSICIANS IN GENERAL
    A PHYSICIAN SHALL not allow his/her judgment to be influenced by personal profit or unfair discrimination.
    A PHYSICIAN SHALL be dedicated to providing competent medical service in full professional and moral independence, with compassion and respect for human dignity.


    Is The New Repackaged USSR In Violation of "Resposiblity to Protect" (RtoP)?: Angels Do Speak!®

    International Medical Ethics

    PHYSICIAN SHALL behave towards colleagues as he/she would have them behave towards him/her.
    A PHYSICIAN SHALL NOT undermine the patient-physician relationship of colleagues in order to attract patients.
    A PHYSICIAN SHALL when medically necessary, communicate with colleagues who are involved in the care of the same patient. This communication should respect patient confidentiality and be confined to necessary information
  • (

 The International community must remember that many of the labratories were secrect and the Nuclear Arsenals hidden.

  • What chemicals or bio/germ agents were developed?
  • Where are they now?
  • How are the bio/germ agents being stored?
  • Who is monitoring the Nuclear Arsentals?

 How to solve the Problem! Identify:

  1. What are the States, Regions, or Province of the “old USSR”?
  2. What States, Regions, or Provinces reunited into the “new USSR”?
  3. What are the names of the States, Regions, or Provinces of the “old USSR” that did not reunite?
  4. What are the names of every Bio/Germ lab and Nuclear Arsenal of the “old USSR”?
  5. What States, Regions, or Provinces are the Bio/Germ labs and Nuclear Arsenals located in?
  6. Who controls these States, Regions, or Provinces?

In a recent letter to the Pope, the issue of Human Rights in the USSR and other parts of Russia is being addressed:

 …the Vatican, and the Catholic Church must understand modern Human Rights LawsThe Los Angeles Times on Sunday, June 23, 2013 reports that Moscow, like other countries committing Human Rights Violations, has put out Human Rights Activists and Associates.  This action is one of the first indicators of Human Rights Violations. TMSC International® Management & Leadership,  has an article that shows how to predict these types of actions,  TMSC International® World Management & Leadership: TMSC International® Emergency & Crisis Forcasting Table. Are we waiting for examples like Rwanda, 15 years of genocide?

Tres Mali Scott: What The Fatima Center Request: In Response To A Letter To The Pope: Angels Do Speak!®

Tres Mali Scott: What The Fatima Center Request: In Response To A Letter To The Pope: Angels Do Speak!®

Tres Mali Scott, M.Ed., M.S., Ph.D. (ABD)

Chief Editor & Founder of Angels Do Speak!®

God Bless The Pope, Now Bless Me Pope Francis: Angels Do Speak!®

Tres Mali Scott, M.Ed., M.S., Ph.D. (ABD)

Tres Mali Scott, M.Ed., M.S., Ph.D. (ABD)

The Time Magazine, March 25, 2013 calls our new Pope “The New World Pope”. Remember in history that America is the “New World”. We now have a Pope from here, “The Americas”. The New World, The Americas has contributed to moral development. We have morals and values that are documented by the true church. There are only two Popes that are not Italian and Francis is of Italian descent.  And as Time Magazine puts it, this “Great Power” (Rome, a  state in the world) has influence.

TMSC International World Management & Leadership : The World Powers of Planet Earth answers–What is “Power”? and according to International Relations, A Power is defined by:

  1. Power is a goal,
  2. The Power to influence and control can be and is measured,
  3. The Power has had victory in conflict,
  4. The Power has attainment of security, and
  5. The Power to control resources and capabilities.

The Church in Rome is a “Supreme Spiritual Power”, the the State (country) in Italy is a “Great Power” of the world, helping to shape those that are in the

Angels Do Speak!®

Angels Do Speak!®

world and even of the world.

Look at the world as an organization. The organizational leadership of the world includes “degrees of world power”. The Degrees of Powers of the world are super, great, regional, and middle. These powers are defined as:

  1. A Super Power has the abilities of a Great Power plus a great power of mobility of the power.
  2. A Great Power has strong political, cultural, and economic influence across the world (1st tier).
  3. A Regional Power exercises influence & power within region (1st tier).
  4. A Middle Power is a 2nd tier influential state that could not be defined  as a great power (

The Time Magazine talks about a “spiritual sickness“. This “spiritual sickness” is not about priests, but proper vocational placement. Some priest are not Catholic, but Anglican, allowed one marriage.

The Church must have courage to convert priest to the proper vocation. Marriage is not only a Sacrament, but also a vocation, as the Blessed Pope John Paul II has prayed for “proper vocational placement”.

God Bless the New Pope Francis, as I hope he also Blesses Us all.

Tres Mali

The Smoke is Clearing, We Have A New POPE!–Francis–: Angels Do Speak!®

The Smoke is Clearing, We Have a New Pope--Francis--: Angels Do Speak!®The Smoke is Clear and Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio is our 266th Pontiff. The first Pope from the Americas, Buenos Aires. After five rounds of voting Cardinal Bergoglio received 77 of the 115 votes. We have a new 76 year-old Pope!

The 265th Pope Benedict XVI Retires Today February 28, 2012: Angels Do Speak!®: What Other Names Does the Pope Have?


The 265th Pope Benedict XVI Retires on February 28, 2013: Angels Do Speak!®

The 265th Pope Benedict XVI Retires on February 28, 2013: Angels Do Speak!®

Benedict XVI (Latin: Benedictus XVI; born Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger; 16 April 1927) is pope emeritus of the Catholic Church. He served as the 265th  pope from 2005 to 2013. He Retires today February 28, 2013.

The Pope (latin: papa, Greek: pappas, it is a “child’s word for father), other names of the Pope:

  • Bishop of Rome
  • The leader of the worldwide Catholic Church
  • Successor of Saint Peter
  • The Papacy (The Office of the Pope)
  • The Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of The “Holy See” (Latin: Sancta Sedes)
  • The Ecclesiatical Jurisdiction of The “Apostolic See” (based on Church tradition of  the Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul-martyred in Rome, Italy).
  • Head of State of Vatican City

Tres Mali

Listening To The Holy Bible & A White Pigeon’s Gray & Black Tail Feathers: Viewing: Angels Do Speak!®

The Ice Pigeon (German: Eistaube) is a breed of fancy pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding.[1] Ice Pigeons, along with other varieties of domesticated pigeons, are all descendants from the Rock Pigeon (Columba livia) (

The Ice Pigeon (German: Eistaube) is a breed of fancy pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding.[1] Ice Pigeons, along with other varieties of domesticated pigeons, are all descendants from the Rock Pigeon (Columba livia) (

At 5:30 p.m. on 1/4/2013 while listening to the Reading of the Holy Bible on the side of a Carpet Store, I viewed a light flash and a white pigeon with gray and black on the tips of its wings and tail feathers. This makes me think of a tarnished little “h” holy spirit.  ( A White Dove represents the big “H” Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ “Himself”).

The number “13” has a negative connotation (thought of as bad), even tarnished is still “holy” (sent from God).  The “13” includes JUDAS as well as JESUS. A traitor and Crucifixion.  An experience that matches what is thought of this year “2013”.  Some superstitions say that tall buildings rarely have a 13th floor. Tres Mali

Joan of Arch a Cursade: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®

Joan of Arch: Angels Do Speak!®

Joan of Arch: Angels Do Speak!®

At 1:24 p.m. on 12/13/2012 I had a vision of Joan of Arch, it looks like a Cursade, military action. Tres Mali

Ascending Nuclear Cooling Towers: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®

PECO's Nuclear Cooling Towers

PECO’s Nuclear Cooling Towers

At 7:07 & 7:09 p.m. on 6/16/2012 I had a vision of  ascending Nuclear cooling towers with smoke. Tres Mali

Juan Diego of Our Lady of Guadalupe: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®

Juan Diego & Our Lady of  Guadalupe on Angels Do Speak!®

Juan Diego & Our Lady of Guadalupe on Angels Do Speak!®

At 8:59 a.m. on 8/4/2012 I had a vision of Juan Diego of Our Lady of Guadalupe. I attended the Our of Guadalupe celebration at the Los Angeles, California USA today from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., it was a free event. Tres Mali

Merlin Santana from The Steve Harvey TV Show: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®

Merlin Santana was Fatally, from the Steve Harvey TV Show.

Merlin Santana was Fatally, from the Steve Harvey TV Show.

At 12:58 p.m. on 7/27/2012 I had a vision of the young from the Steve Harvey TV Show that was fatally shoot in 2002, Merlin Santana. Tres Mali