Kaiser Wilhelm II from the German 1913 Silver Dollar Equalent: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®

Kaiser Wilhelm II

Kaiser Wilhelm II

At 1:17 p.m. on 7/25/2012 I had a vision of Kaiser Wilhelm II he is on the 1913 German equivalent of the

Germany's Kaiser Wilhem II's 1913 equalent to U.S.A silver dollar on Angels Do Speak!®

Germany’s Kaiser Wilhem II’s 1913 equalent to U.S.A silver dollar on Angels Do Speak!®

U.S.A. silver dollar. His hat on this picture reminds me of St. Jude with the flame a top his head.

Kaiser Wilhelm II is the Grandson of Queen Victoria. Tres Mali

St. Jude Thaddeus

St. Jude Thaddeus

George Washington: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®

The 1st President of the United States of America on Angels Do Speak!®

The 1st President of the United States of America on Angels Do Speak!®

At 9:06 a.m. on 7/23/2012 I had a vision of the 1st President of the United States of America George Washington. Tres Mali

Dr. Bach & Flower Remedies: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®


Dr. Bach on Angels Do Speak!®

Dr. Bach on Angels Do Speak!®

At 4:16 p.m. on 7/11/2012 I had a vision of the Flower Remedy doctor, Dr. Bach, from the original Bach Flower Remedy. Tres Mali

Astronaut Head: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®

Amazing-Astronaut-in-Moon-Wallpaper-1280x1024  Angels Do Speak!®At 9:33 a.m. 7/7/2012 I had a vision of the head of what looks like an Astronaut with an oxygen mask coming from the front, in his mouth area. Tres Mali

Teenage Boy, The Streets, & a Bus: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®

6818477-child-standing-on-a-road on Angels Do Speak!®At 8:33 p.m. on 7/3/2012 I had a vision of a teenage boy standing in the middle nstreet. It looks like he is waiting for the bus torun him over. Tres Mali

The 1920s or 1930s, Black Men In Hats: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®


At p.m. on 6/23/2012 I had a vision, it looks like the 1920s or 1930s, with Black men in hats & coats, it reminds me of pictures of The Cotton Club. Tres Mali

Mens Golf Pants from the 1920s & 1930s on Angels Do Speak!®