Brown Scapular: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®

At 9:10 a.m. on 4/22/2012 I had a vision of The Brown Scapular for Our Lady because of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels Downtown Los Angeles, California USA. Tres Mali

The Blessed Pope John Paul II & The Blessed Sacrament: Aberration/Apparition: Angels Do Speak!®

At 7:34 a.m. on 3/16/2012 during singing for the Blessed Sacrament at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, I had a vision of The Blessed Pope John Paul II with Crosier. Tres Mali

Angels Do Speak!®: The Dollar Bill: Aberration/Apparition

Plain One Dollar Bill on Angels Do Speak!®

During 7:00 a.m. Mass on 10/4/2011 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Downtown Los Angeles, CA USA, while Father Hicks was performing the Mass, I had a vision of t he Pyramid on the one dollar bill with Jesus Christ in it. Tres Mali

Nuclear Mushroom During Cathedral Mass: Aberration/Apparition

At 7:13 a.m. on 10/5/2011 during Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles, CA USA, I had a vision of the top of a nuclear mushroom. Tres Mali

The Blessed Pope John Paul II & His 1987 Visit: Aberration/Apparition

The Blessed Pope John Paul II on Angels Do Speak!

At 7:51 a.m. on 9/29/2011 while at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Downtown Los Angeles, CA, looking at the display from the Blessed Pope John Paul II’s 1987 visit to Los Angeles, CA, I had a vision of The Blessed Pope John Paul II ascending. Tres Mali

St. Mary & The Angels Under Her Feet: Aberration/Apparition

At 6:55 a.m. on 9/28/2011 after the Cathederal of Our Lady of the Angels security Guard told me they found my lost straw hat, I had a vision of St. Mary above my head and my eyes with the eyes of the Angel under her feet. Tres Mali

St. Mary at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels: Aberration/Apparition

Around 9:00 a.m. on 9/12/2011 after liting candles in the Cathedral of Our Lady of Angeles Downtown Los Angeles, California USA, I had a vision of St. Mary XXX Large (extra, extra, extra large) while walking from the Cathedral to the Cafe. Tres Mali

The Wahhabi Movement: Aberration/Apparition

World War I Middle East Leaders of the Wahhabi Movement on Angels Do Speak!®

At 9:16 a.m. on 6/01/2011 after Mass at the Caderal of Our Lady of the Angels in Downtown, Los Angeles, CA USA, while drinking coffee in the coffee shop and reading Timetables Of History Second Revised Edition by Random House (1991), about the Wahhabi Movement, I had an experience of the Saudi family that is considered the foundation of most Islam sects that adopted the principles of the Wahhabi Sect.

According to the Timetables Of History (1991):

The puritanical Wahhabi movement within Islam was founded by Muhammed ibn Abd al-Wahhab, 1703-92. He advocated a return to the original principles of Islam and condemned as polytheistic the decoration of mosques and the cult of sints, which he saw as intervening in the personal and direct relationship between the faithful and God. In 1744 the powerful Saudi family in central Arabia adopted the principles of the Wahhabi sect.

Tres Mali

Rev. Monsignor Kevin Kostelnik’s Red Robe: Aberration/Apparition


Around 3:37om on 6/13/2010 I had a vision of Rev. Monsignor Kevin Kostelnik’s Red Robe. He is from the cathedral of Our Lady of the Angeles Downtown Los Angeles, California USA.

Tres Mali

The Late Dorene Gallo: Aberration/Apparition

j0402718 At 10:36am on 6/7/2010 while at a funeral at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels Los Angeles, California USA, when the casket was passing down the aisle, I made the sign of the cross  and had a vision of the late Dorene Gallo, the person that died.

Tres Mali