The Fatima Children Saying “Our Father”: The Sound: Angels Do Speak!®

The Fatima Children on Angels Do Speak!®

The Fatima Children on Angels Do Speak!®

Around 6:15 p.m. on 7/16/2012 I heard the sound of the Fatima Children saying “Our Father”. The movie about this story claims the children called this the short version of the “Lord’s Prayer” or Our Father Prayer”. Tres Mali

The Holy Family: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®

Angels Do Speak!®

At 11:11 a.m. while praying the “Ancient Prayer to St. Joseph” outside St. Jerome Church, the Holy Family appeared translucent like the picture in “The Pieta Prayer Book”.

Tres Mali

The Fatima Apparitions: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®

Lucia, Jacinta, & Franciso on Angels Do Speak!®

At 7:49 a.m. on 6/13/2012 I had a vision of Jacinta and Franciso from the Fatima Apparitions. Tres Mali

Lucia, Jacinta, & Franciso from the Fatima Apparitions on Angels Do Speak!®

Movement of the Ark of the Covenant: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®

The Ark of the Covenant of The Lord God of Israel: Angels Do Speak!®

At 7:58 a.m. on 6/4/2012 I had a vision of the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord God of Israel and an Angel stated,”I could see the Ark move.” The Angel is talking about “some shaking movement” of the Ark itself. Tres Mali

I interpert this as “God” is disturbed by the behavior of Earth.

Mother Teresa: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®

The Young Mother Teresa on Angels Do Speak!®

At 11:43 p.m. on 5/16/2012 I had a vision of Mother Teresa, she stated, “Some of these women had children for them to get hurt insteat of them.” Tres Mali

P.S. When I was young and free and my heart had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world. When I got older and wiser, I did. What Tres Mali thinks of Mother Teresa

The Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta on Angels Do Speak!®

Pope Benedict XVI in Rome: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®

The Young Pope Benedict XVI on Angels Do Speak!®

At which in Rome it is 9:44 a.m, Wednesday May 17, 2012 and it is 6:44 a.m. on Tuesday May 16, 2012, in Los Angeles, California where I am, I had an experience of a group and visions of world problems, Pope Benedict XVI looked like he was in his night clothes, since it was 6:44 a.m. to him, he really might have been in his night clothes. Tres Mali