Listening To The Holy Bible & A White Pigeon’s Gray & Black Tail Feathers: Viewing: Angels Do Speak!®

The Ice Pigeon (German: Eistaube) is a breed of fancy pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding.[1] Ice Pigeons, along with other varieties of domesticated pigeons, are all descendants from the Rock Pigeon (Columba livia) (

The Ice Pigeon (German: Eistaube) is a breed of fancy pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding.[1] Ice Pigeons, along with other varieties of domesticated pigeons, are all descendants from the Rock Pigeon (Columba livia) (

At 5:30 p.m. on 1/4/2013 while listening to the Reading of the Holy Bible on the side of a Carpet Store, I viewed a light flash and a white pigeon with gray and black on the tips of its wings and tail feathers. This makes me think of a tarnished little “h” holy spirit.  ( A White Dove represents the big “H” Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ “Himself”).

The number “13” has a negative connotation (thought of as bad), even tarnished is still “holy” (sent from God).  The “13” includes JUDAS as well as JESUS. A traitor and Crucifixion.  An experience that matches what is thought of this year “2013”.  Some superstitions say that tall buildings rarely have a 13th floor. Tres Mali

Teenage Boy, The Streets, & a Bus: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®

6818477-child-standing-on-a-road on Angels Do Speak!®At 8:33 p.m. on 7/3/2012 I had a vision of a teenage boy standing in the middle nstreet. It looks like he is waiting for the bus torun him over. Tres Mali

Black Silhouette: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®

Silhouette by Piliko on Angels Do Speak!®

Silhouette by Piliko on Angels Do Speak!®

At 4:04 p.m. on 6/24/2012 I had s vision of a black silhouette of a person walking down a yellowish corador. Tres Mali

Desending Stargate: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®

Picture is similar to vision with more rings on Angels Do Speak!®

At 8:27 p.m. on 6/22/2012 during Healing Mass at St. Jerome Church in Westchester, California USA, I had a vision of  stargate type figures desending. Tres Mali

The Moon: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®

Looks similar to Moon like Planet vision by Tres Mali

At 8:19 pm.m on 6/9/2012 I had a vision of a moon like planet. Tres Mali

Army in Light Green & Screaming: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®

Army cargo Aircraft on Angels Do Speak!®

At 3:28 p.m. on 5/31/2012 I had a vision of the Army in light green fatigues and it looks like the Superior officers are in an aircraft screaming to them. Tres Mali

Nuclear Sound: Psychic Experience: Angels Do Speak!®

DB Reactor Refueling 13R 2 on Angels Do Speak!®

At 1:41 p.m. on 5/30/2012 I had a psychic experience of a sound of a Nuclear Reactor from before the 1980s. Tres Mali

Reactor Core on Angels Do Speak!®

Movement of the Ark of the Covenant: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®

The Ark of the Covenant of The Lord God of Israel: Angels Do Speak!®

At 7:58 a.m. on 6/4/2012 I had a vision of the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord God of Israel and an Angel stated,”I could see the Ark move.” The Angel is talking about “some shaking movement” of the Ark itself. Tres Mali

I interpert this as “God” is disturbed by the behavior of Earth.

Nuclear Mushroom: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®

American Atomic Bomb Test (Nuclear Mushroom) on Angels Do Speak!®

At 7:18 p.m. on 5/15/2012 I had a vision of a Nuclear Mushroom in front of the sun. The direction of the sun makes it difficult to discern what you are really looking at. Tres Mali

St. Mary & Rainbow Arch Nuclear Ring: Vision: Angels Do Speak!®

At 8:06 on 4/22/2012 it looks like St. Mary at the top of a Nuclear Ring hovering were an Angel Being was hovering. Tres Mali