What The Fatima Center Request: In Response To A Letter To The Pope: Angels Do Speak!®

Pope Francis: What The Fatima Center Request: In Response To A Letter To The Pope: Angels Do Speak!®

Pope Francis: What The Fatima Center Request: In Response To A Letter To The Pope: Angels Do Speak!®

What St. Mary calls, “the consecration of Russia”, in modern terms is equal to “Human Rights Violations“. The Church was given to Humanity & Mankind to protect and defend life on Earth.We now, in the United States of America, call this Human Rights.  I understand that what is requested is prayer, but now, all countries, communities, or societies don’t always allow praying. In what St. Mary calls “modern times”, you have to prove the people have a right to themselves.

My Personal Letter to the Pope:

To: His Holiness, Pope Francis

Apostolic Palace

00120 Vatican City (Italy)

Dear Holy Father,

This is a worldly problem. You, the Vatican, and the Catholic Church must understand modern Human Rights LawsThe Los Angeles Times on Sunday, June 23, 2013 reports that Moscow, like other countries committing Human Rights Violations, has put out Human Rights Activists and Associates.  This action is one of the first indicators of Human Rights Violations. TMSC International® Management & Leadership,  has an article that shows how to predict these types of actions,  TMSC International® World Management & Leadership: TMSC International® Emergency & Crisis Forcasting Table. Are we waiting for examples like Rwanda, 15

Fatima Apparition: What The Fatima Center Request: In Response To A Letter To The Pope: Angels Do Speak!®

Fatima Apparition: What The Fatima Center Request: In Response To A Letter To The Pope: Angels Do Speak!®

years of genocide? St. Mary has asked for for than 75 years.

What St. Mary calls “the consecration of Russia”, modern times calls “Correction of Human Rights Violations“. 2013 years ago, God visited Earth in a body called “Christ Jesus” to preserve human life and mankind and maintain this Earth.

A country that is still with the Church or a country that practices freedom of religion can help remove these types of violations. What International Law calls “Human Rights” the Church calls “Merciful”. Since the apparitions at Fatima, these problems have remained. What does it take for a world super power like Russia to be corrected? The United Nations understands St. Mary’s request. If it were Africa, everyone would respond.

The Church speaks in Ancient Religious terms that many can not understand. Modern termanology from International Law is required to correct this problem. What is “Humane” or “Merciful”  is to track indicators of these Human Rights Violations and respond.

Your in Truth and Grace,

Tres Mali Scott: What The Fatima Center Request: In Response To A Letter To The Pope: Angels Do Speak!®

Tres Mali Scott: What The Fatima Center Request: In Response To A Letter To The Pope: Angels Do Speak!®

Tres Mali Scott, M.Ed., M.S., Ph.D. (ABD)

Chief Editor & Founder of Angels Do Speak!®